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A Foundation Built From Passion

I've been riding for 17 years now and during these years myself and my family have had the pleasure of owning three fantastic horses who have shaped me into the rider I am today. My first horse Rebel was 3yo when we got him, and he had had roughly 90 days put into him but was otherwise barely broken to ride. While I wouldn't recommend buying a horse like this for your 12 yo daughter the relationship that formed between me and him was incredible. Our youth really connected us in a deeper way outside of the fact that this was my very first horse of my own. Rebel and I enjoyed almost 3 years together before we had to put him to sleep due to a terrible pasture accident. During the those three years we purchased another horse, an OTTB from CANTER Ohio, but was actually located in SC at the time. Little did we know what we were getting with Cash. We learned very quickly about the Storm Cat bloodlines and the personalities they carried. Cash was never an easy horse to ride but looking back I gained so much valuable knowledge about how to listen and work with a horse in the specific way in which they need. Cash mainly served as our family pet and spent the majority of his 8 years in our family being fat, happy, and getting all the ear scratches a horse could possibly want! In 2016 we said goodbye to Cash for the first and last time as we helped him cross the Rainbow Bridge to see Rebel again. He had been suffering from health complications over the years likely due to some kind of cancer or autoimmune disease. When Rebel passed in January of 2010 we tried to move Cash into the role of my full time riding horse but we weren't meshing well due to my lack of understanding how to work with him and my grief over the loss of Rebel. This sent my mom on the hunt for a new horse for me that I could bond with and move forward in my riding on. In February 2010 we drove to Ocala, FL to pick up Shrimp, sight unseen from a Craigslist add! He was a coming 4yo and we knew very little about him other than he hadn't had the most consistent life up to that point. Shrimp it turned out was a very well bred and registered American Morgan who had unfortunately been sold by the originals owners into less than ideal hands. Shrimp and I were both young (he was 3.5 yo and I was 14) and we were both looking for someone to make us whole again. It truly is amazing to look back 10 years later at our instant connection and the unwavering trust we held in each other. Shrimp and I have grown up together and I have learned how to ride and train other horses because of him, his partnership has brought me many successes to date and we are still going strong. Our bond is something I will cherish everyday for the rest of my life. These horses make up RCS Equestrian and the person I am today. All of this inspires me to help others in their journey with their horses to experience the joy in a life with horses.

About Me: About Me
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